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A Christian Approach to Worldviews

Coming Soon (early 2025)

This video-based curriculum offers a great introduction to the Christian worldview and to non-Christian worldviews. (1) It introduces the concept of “worldview” as a useful tool; (2) It presents the basics of Christian theology; (3) It surveys and critically evaluates non-Christian philosophies and religions; (4) It provides a Christian perspective on God, science, and ethics; and (5) it challenges students to live a Christian worldview with greater confidence, consistency, and impact. 

The presentations are given by Dr. Richard Knopp. Executive Director of Room For Doubt and Professor of Philosophy & Apologetics at Lincoln Christian University and Seminary from 1983-2022. They were originally produced for a required freshman class at Lincoln Christian University. The material is quite understandable for high school youth and valuable for all adults.

Who’s It For?

  • For self-study or group use.
  • For church leaders, church classes, small groups, college students and campus ministries, Christian high schools, church high school ministries, home schools, and families.

What’s Included?

  • Over 22 hours of video on 18 topics.
  • A PDF with descriptions for each presentation. Provided HERE for preview.
  • Christian Worldview Table.  A table that provides comparative beliefs for nine worldviews in seven major categories.
  • Christian Worldview Graphic. A multilevel graphic that portrays the comprehensive nature of a Christian worldview. It covers personal integrity, individual involvement, relational investment, academic influence, cultural impact, and apologetic interaction. It was designed by Dr. Richard A. Knopp.
  • Suggested Readings for the Course. While this course does not require textbooks or readings, this file provides recommended readings for each of the video lectures. Two main recommended texts are James Sire, The Universe Next Door, 5th ed. (2009) and J. P. Moreland, Love Your God With All Your Mind (1997).
  • Christian Worldview Bibliography. This extensive bibliography lists and describes recommended (a) books and articles, (b) websites, and (c) online videos.
  • Worldview Test Graphic. A simple matching test that prompts students to connect major worldviews with the proper associated symbol and object illustration.
  • Reading Questions for James Sire, The Universe Next Door. This is an optional resource for those who want guidance in reading this book.

What’s It Cost?

  • The cost for all 28 videos and other course resources is just $50.00!

How Do I Get It?

  • Order on the Room For Doubt store.
  • Your order download will provide instructions for how to access the class materials.


  1. The Concept of Worldview (3 parts)
  2. The Biblical Emphasis on the Mind
  3. Christian Theism: An Overview
  4. The Worldview of Deism
  5. Secular Humanism (2 parts)
  6. The Mood of Nihilism
  7. Existentialism (2 parts)
  8. Postmodernism (2 parts)
  9. Eastern Pantheism (2 parts)
  10. The New Age Worldview
  11. Responding to Secular Humanism
  12. Responding to Relativism
  13. Responding to New Age Pantheism
  14. Christianity and the Worldview of Islam (2 parts)
  15. The Christian Concept of God
  16. A Christian Perspective on Science
  17. A Christian View of Ethics (2 parts)
  18. Living a Christian Worldview (3 parts)

Shorter Lesson Options

Teachers or users may construct shorter lesson series to fit their interests and circumstances. Three options are suggested below: (1) An Introduction to the Worldview Tool; (2) An Introduction to the Christian Worldview; and (3) A Survey of Worldview Alternatives. Each lesson video is roughly 50 minutes, though the videos can be shown in shorter segments if desired.

The Worldview Tool

  • The Concept of Worldview (3 parts)
  • Living a Christian Worldview (3 parts)

The Christian Worldview

  • The Concept of Worldview (3 parts)
  • Christian Theism: An Overview
  • The Biblical Emphasis on the Mind
  • The Christian Concept of God
  • A Christian Perspective on Science
  • A Christian Perspective on Ethics and Moral Absolutes (2 parts)
  • Living a Christian Worldview (3 parts)

A Worldview Survey

  • Christian Theism: An Overview
  • Deism
  • Secular Humanism
  • Nihilism
  • Existentialism (2 parts)
  • Postmodernism (2 parts)
  • Eastern Pantheism (2 parts)
  • New Age
  • Responding to Secular Humanism
  • Responding to Relativism
  • Responding to New Age Pantheism
  • The Worldview of Islam (2 parts)