“Basic Questions” (+ App Access)


Basic Questions is a six-week series ideally designed for church-wide use, though it can be used for classes, small groups, and others. The modest cost depends on the type and size of the group.

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The SIX topics covered in the curriculum series:

  1. Is Doubt Always Bad?
  2. Does God Really Exist?
  3. Isn’t the Bible Full of Myths and Mistakes?
  4. Why Do Christians Say that Jesus is God’s Son?
  5. Why Does God Allow Tragedy and Suffering?
  6. Is it Intolerant to Say that Jesus is the Only Way?

What’s Included?

  • A License Key to give leaders access to special LEADER CONTENT (all of the material below).
  • A License Key for ALL participants to unlock the E-Guides on their mobile devices.
  • An introduction to the series and the message (for leaders).
  • Six Message Manuscripts (in editable format).
  • Adult Discussion Guide (in PDF and in the App E-Guides).
  • Youth Discussion Guide (in PDF and in the App E-Guides).
  • Videos for series promotion (in HD and other resolutions).
  • Videos for small group leader training (c. 30 minutes).
  • Videos for message bumpers (2-3 minutes each; usable for message introductions).
  • Additional videos of a “doubters uncensored” panel on various topics (2-4 minutes each; usable for discussion starters and adaptable for message use).
  • Program graphics, suggested song list, logo files, program fonts, slide templates, and more.
  • Links to recommended online resources, including videos, for each of the six topics in the series.
  • And more…

Who Produced the “Basic Questions” Curriculum?

The six-week series was written and produced by notable authors, speakers, and specialists in apologetics and curriculum development. MARK MITTELBERG crafted the messages.  Mark is the author of a number of books, including The Reason Why Faith Makes Sense; The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask; Confident Faith: Building a Firm Foundation for Your Beliefs; Choosing Your Faith in a World of Spiritual Options; and Becoming a Contagious Christian.  GARRY POOLE created the adult and youth discussion guides.  Garry has written many notable works, including most discussion guides for Lee Strobel’s best-selling books (e.g. The Case for Faith; The Case for Christ; The Case for a Creator).  His publications also include Seeker Small Groups and The Complete Book of Questions: 1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion.  LEE STROBEL served as consultant and contributed a couple of the messages.  Dr. RICHARD KNOPP edited and offered additional content to the series and is primarily responsible for the content on the website, the mobile app, and the animated videos.  Rich is the Director of Room For Doubt and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics at Lincoln Christian University.

What’s It Cost?

The six-week Room For Doubt series is designed to be used in an ENTIRE church (from high school on up), though it can be used by small groups or classes.  The COST of ALL of the materials in the curriculum depends on the type and size of the group.

The cost is modest and ALL-INCLUSIVE. Simply order the material for your group type and size, and you have access to ALL of the material, including the videos and many specific recommended resources. (A church-wide order gives everyone access in the church, including all small groups.)

How does the License Key work?

Whoever orders the material receives a unique “LICENSE KEY” for the group. (1) It gives access to special LEADER CONTENT on the Room For Doubt website and (2) it allows ALL participants to unlock the E-Guides on their mobile devices. The license key should be shared with leaders and with participants in a way that prevents easy and inappropriate access for those outside your group.  The license key is a long string of alpha-numeric characters.  It’s best to make it available in such a way that users can copy and paste the key into their Internet browser or mobile app.

See the App in Action (Web App)
Adult Discussion Guide (Preview PDF)Youth Discussion Guide (Preview PDF)
Message #1 (Preview PDF)

License Details

Expiration Never. (Lifetime license)
Limit Unlimited uses and activations.