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Stephen writes, “Well if the USA is the whore of Babylon (it is), what should we pray for? We love the USA and it’s founding based on Bible principles! Is there only one prayer that makes–“God’s will be done?”

Stephen, thanks so much for your submission! I appreciate your concern about the USA. It’s obvious that many Americans are living in ways that directly oppose God’s intentions. Even so, Christians are called to be faithful to God in all circumstances, which includes living in countries with unrighteous leaders and immoral citizens. Yet we are still directed to be subject to such rulers and grant respect and honor where they are appropriate (Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1-2; 1 Peter 2:17). We are also directed to pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4). God desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4), so it’s important we continue to love them and pray for them, even when they seem to reject everything God offers.

The reference to the “whore of Babylon” doesn’t appear in that form in Scripture. Revelation 17 (in the King James Version and New American Standard Bible) uses the word “whore” in the context of Babylon, although the description is of “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots …” (Rev. 17:5 KJV, NASB). This suggests that the harlot and those who “make war with the Lamb” are not isolated in one place or country. In fact, Revelation indicates that the “waters … where the harlot sits” are “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” (Rev. 17:15 NASB). And the woman “reigns over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18 NASB).

The woman (the mother of harlots) and the beast that carries her wage war against the Lamb, but “the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful” (Rev. 17:14 NASB). Indeed, God will judge the “great whore” who has corrupted “the earth with her fornication” (Rev. 19:2 KJV).

All of this is to say that we are called by God to do what we can, to be faithful where we are, and to trust God’s patience to bring timely judgment according to His guidance of human history. It also encourages us to know that God is providentially still in control.

Thanks again for expressing your concern for America and for God’s will to be done.

Dr. Rich Knopp, Director, Room For Doubt; Professor of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics, Lincoln Christian University.
Rich Knopp

Executive Director of Room For Doubt and presenter for Room For Doubt at churches, conferences, conventions, camps, campus ministries, and colleges. He provides and manages content on the R4D website and app. His personal webpage can be accessed at