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Room For Doubt seeks to encourage questions, address doubts, and strengthen faith.

Room For Doubt is a Christian ministry that presents the core truths of Christianity with both conviction and compassion. It provides resources for individuals, churches, church classes, small groups, high school youth groups, campus ministries, and Christian camps. It’s for those who need help and for those who want to help others.

It offers a searchable website and app; a six-week message and discussion series (“Basic Questions”); a 15-lesson curriculum (“Strengthen Your Faith”); media outlets like Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo; and in-person and online events for churches, youth groups, conferences, conventions, camps, and retreats.

It’s currently working on new curriculum options, including (1) a video-based curriculum for high school student ministries, (2) a short “Worldview Prep” video curriculum for high school graduating students and parents, and (3) a six-week curriculum for small groups and class settings based on the book, Truth About God: What Can We Know and How Can We Know It? by Dr. Richard Knopp, the Executive Director of Room For Doubt.


Room For Doubt (R4D) began in late 2013 as a grant-funded project hosted at Lincoln Christian University (LCU). A major objective was to address the alarming loss of youth from the church and the Christian faith. Its first initiative was to develop a website and a six-week message and discussion series for churches. A six-week series was written by Mark Mittelberg and Garry Poole, while Lee Strobel contributed two messages. In 2015, a pilot version of the six-week series was tested in about 30 churches. In 2016, it was revised and officially released. Dr. Richard Knopp, Professor of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics at LCU, crafted the website content and offered numerous presentations for churches, conferences, and conventions.

In 2018, Dr. Knopp became the Director. In early 2019, revisions to the six-week series were made (now called “Basic Questions“), and an entirely new website and mobile app were created. The new website and app gave convenient access to exclusive Leader Content and the adult and youth discussion guides for the Basic Questions series.

In 2019, Dr. Zach Breitenbach and Hannah Brimner were respectively hired full time as Associate Director and Technology Specialist. Additional curriculum resources were developed (e.g., “Strengthen Your Faith” lessons), social media and video outlets were enhanced (FacebookVimeo and YouTube), a video animation was produced (“Why Do You Still Believe?“), and numerous presentations were offered for churches, youth groups, Christian camps, etc.

In June 2022, due to major cut-backs and administrative decisions, Lincoln Christian University terminated its connection to Room For Doubt. (LCU closed its operations in June 2024.)  However, Dr. Richard Knopp, who had retired from full-time teaching at LCU, continued to serve as Room For Doubt’s Executive Director. Some of Dr. Knopp’s presentation materials are accessible on his website at

Dr. Breitenbach remains as a R4D contributor but is now the full-time Director of the Worldview Center at Connection Pointe Christian Church in Brownsburg, Indiana. Hannah Brimner offers periodic assistance in technology and social media.

In 2023, Room For Doubt began to help promote a new Apologetics Scholarship Program funded by a separate non-profit foundation. Scholarship aid will be provided for students pursuing special training in Christian apologetics in approved programs.

In 2024, Room For Doubt began working closely with a nonprofit called Strengthen Faith, Inc. It provides a mechanism for Room For Doubt’s ongoing financial operation and will help to accomplish Room For Doubt’s longstanding objectives.

Funding for Room For Doubt

From 2013-2022, R4D was fully funded by a private foundation while it was hosted at Lincoln Christian University. However, in 2022, the program separated from LCU due to major university cut-backs and administrative decisions, and it no longer receives grant funds to operate.

Room For Doubt now requires NEW DONATIONS from individuals and churches who recognize the importance of its ongoing ministry. For more information on our circumstances and needs, visit our SUPPORT page.

Please DONATE to our efforts!
We need your help to continue.

Learning Opportunities

for churches, youth groups, conferences, conventions, camps, and schools

R4D provides a variety of learning experiences. Presentations are given face-to-face and online, and several curriculum options are available. To see our current and projected curriculum options, click HERE. To visualize where our materials have been used around the world, see our usage map HERE.

Contact us about learning opportunities

Recommended Resources

for church leaders, parents, young adults, and teens

While many good resources are available to help one understand and defend the Christian faith, Room For Doubt periodically updates its recommended list of resources. They include the following:

  • Resources for Church and Christian Leaders
  • Resources for Teens and Young Adults
  • Resources on Science and the Christian Faith
R4D Recommended Resources
Presentation Resources by Dr. Rich Knopp

We’d love to talk with you!

If we can help you implement our resources in your church or ministry, speak for your event, or address your questions, please reach out to us.

Contact Us